"You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God."
You know those moments when you hear or see something for the first time and it's like an "ah ha!" moment, even though you've heard it a thousand times before, but it just wasn't ever a big deal to you? Well this was one of those moments for me. I had such a revelation when I read this verse. I read it about 20 more times, over and over, and each time I was more mind-blown.
Because why on earth should that verse be true? I know me, every good and bad part of me, and I KNOW that God knows me, yet He choses to wash me, sanctify me, AND justify me? In the name of His son? I just don't get it. I never will. I'll forever be in awe of Christ's unfathomable love. It will never make sense, never be reasonable.
I think the reason I will never understand it, is because God designed this life to be that way. I see Him in the sky, in the mountains, in smiles from strangers, in hugs from my mom, in the joy I get from being surrounded by my friends, in sorrow that entire nations feel, in Sunday mornings at church, in cities, in everything. I see Him in everything. I know how good and pure He is, and how filthy and unworthy I am. None of it will ever make sense.
Anyways - I am baffled at Christ's love, and this is me expressing it.
You are so right. We will never understand his unfathomable love, but we can feel and see it. Love this verse.