I didn't take my camera with me every single place we went because sometimes it's better to pay more attention to who is in the photo than the photo. I enjoyed being present and having valuable time with these two, especially since I don't get that anymore.
One night, I shared with them how hopeful I am for the year 2015. I don't know what it is, but I just have this gut feeling that this is going to be a big year. I told them I was not trying to be arrogant, but that I've always have great intuition, and I feel like it's a true gift from God.
Rachel said, "Of course you have great intuition. You knew you were supposed to move to Nashville before you'd even visited." I couldn't believe I forgot about that. She was right! I had intuition that this was where I needed to be when I was 15. I didn't go for the first time until I was 17. Before I ever came, Nashville was all I wanted. All I thought about, all I talked about. I was crazy, I'm sure I actually made people uncomfortable over how excited I would get at the mention of Nashville. People would introduce me to other people just because they had been to Nashville.
In my mind, I decided it was this fairytale land where music was alive and people were friendly and dreams came true. One time I shared that with an adult in my life at the time and he told me, "it's just like any other city." If I'm being honest, that crushed my hope of what I thought it was. It kind of brought me down.
But then I came for the first time. I'll never forget driving in at ten o clock at night with my best friend, freaking out with her over the sight of the legendary "batman" building, and then being disappointed that it was just an AT&T building, but then getting excited again because I was finally here.
The thing is, it isn't "just like any other city." And the proof of that is the magic that lies within. I was meant to be here for a reason. And searching for it everyday is magic itself. Getting to show Rachel and Aimee what this town means to me was an unforgettable, treasurable thing. They felt the magic too. I just know it.
I can't wait to see what big things do happen this year. One of them will be that, as a result of coming to Nashville (and loving it!), Rachel has decided to stay with me this summer! I'm stoked. And truth be told, Nashville is a fairytale land where music is alive, people are friendly, and dreams come true.
Thank you for reading.